Aging building stock (50% of the heat from the builing is lost due to energy unefficient constructions) stock acoounts for the largest part of the energy consumption in Ukraine and do not comply with modern energy efficient measures.
Energy-Intensive Industries, energy consumption is 7 times bigger than in other European countries
Dependance on Imported Energy and limited use of the renewable energy
More than 50% of Ukraines energy infrastracture is destroyed and is constantly suffering from the attacks
Low public awareness on energy-efficiency measures
Subsidized energy prices instead of thermo-modernization
Implementation of the energy-efficiency measures can save billions of dollars each year.
Technologies to Foster Recovery
Certification of the new and refurbished low-energy consumption buildings
Building envelope, usage of the combined renewable energy-sources and energy-efficient heating system, intelligent heat recovery system from waste heat.
Benefits for Ukraine
Ukrainian government: Projects allowing to improve energy efficiency of medical establishments contribute to the commitment of the Ukrainian government to achieve CO neutrality by 2050. Cost savings derived from project implementation and replication will help to improve overall budget situation in the country that is currently under immense pressure.
Ukrainian Health Care Authorities, Other Hospitals and Medical Establishments Pilot project can be scaled up for other hospitals and medical institutions across Ukraine. They can learn from success and failures of the pilot and replicate them in search for similar improvement in energy efficiency and cost reductions Upon successful implementation new standards may be developed and implemented for powering medical objects (clinics, hospitals, nursing and long care homes) ensuring increased sustainability and efficiency Cost savings may be forwarded as additional funding aimed at increasing health care system quality.
Facility managers, other industry players Best practices evolving from implementation and operation of energy efficiency solutions in hospitals may be used further in other industries/buildings.
Construction sector in Ukraine Use cases (energy management, equipment, renewable energy integration) will have a tidal impact on how buildungs are to be designed and constructed. Potential for bringing construction standards and guidances in line with the goal of CO neutrality and use of sustainable solutions.
New businesses in the area of energy efficiency design, manufacturing, logistics demands for new equipment and more efficient energy sources.
Financing, investment partners: focus on the energy efficiency attracts investments having sustainability as a long term strategy.
Implementing energy efficiency in hospitals will have a direct impact on the community and health of the nation Having sustainable and efficient powering of medical establishments increases resistance of the medical system to power shortage shocks, liberates additional funding (can reinvest savings into patient care and hospital infrastructure, potentially improving healthcare outcomes), contributes to the reduction of polution and CO emissions.