Free Course and Certification

If you're a student or professional in the Ukrainian building sphere interested in development and gaining international certification, join our free BIM course
  • Free educational materials, including special literature specifically translated into Ukrainian
  • Video tutorials created by BIM professionals provide comprehensive guidance to enhance understanding of the topic and prepare for certification exams effectively
  • Free BIM foundation certification exam, offered to those, who have completed the course
Course information in Ukrainian here
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Why BIM certification

Professional benefits

The course aims to empower Ukrainian professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to:
  • Compete for international construction tenders, by acquiring BIM expertise, Ukrainian professionals will be better positioned to compete for and win contracts with international businesses, boosting foreign investment and contributing to the revitalization of the Ukrainian construction sector
  • Increase employment opportunities: BIM skills are in high demand, potentially leading to job creation and career advancement for participants, and ultimately contributing to the economic and social well-being of Ukrainian communities
  • Enhance salaries: BIM professionals typically command higher salaries, contributing to improved economic prospects for participants, boosting disposable income and stimulating local economies
  • Promote sustainable practices. BIM adoption can facilitate more sustainable construction projects, reducing environmental impact and resource consumption, contributing to a greener future for Ukraine and the wider world
  • Optimize costs in AEC projects. BIM can lead to cost savings and risk mitigation throughout the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) project lifecycle, freeing up resources for additional investments in infrastructure development and other crucial areas
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Course dates are
October 17-18, 2024
Please, apply to be the first to start