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CAS Rebuild Ukraine
initiated and coordinated
by Bern University of Applied Sciences, BFH

CAS Rebuild Ukraine - is a Certificate of Advanced Studies program launched by the Bern University of Applied Sciences. CAS Rebuild Ukraine is a practically oriented advanced training program tailored for Ukrainian refugees (mainly women), as well as Ukrainians who have been residing in Switzerland before the war, and also individuals from aid organizations eager to participate in reconstruction of Ukraine. Within CAS Rebuild Ukraine participants designing project that would support reconstruction of Ukraine. Transfertech.ch is one of the projects that was developed and lunched by participants of CAS Rebuild Ukraine.
During this programme participants will:
  • Learn on sustainability approaches in rebuilding processes, circular economy principles and energy efficiency
  • Learn and use methods, instruments and software for assessing damages of houses and infrastructure
  • Plan the supply of critical resources (supply chains), temporary and permanent water and electricity supply and understand the role of energy grids and power stations
  • deal with planning of settlements, rural and urban areas (smart villages and smart cities)
  • Acquire knowledge for the design of buildings using wood and hybrid construction methods
  • Learn about digital approaches in construction based on the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method
  • Learn about the political framework conditions for the rebuilding process in Ukraine
Please, learn more on CAS Rebuild Ukraine

CAS Rebuild Ukraine

Civil protection
  • Duration
  • The CAS comprises a total of around 130 teaching hours (incl. excursions, proof of competence, exercises and presentation of the certificate thesis), spread over around 16 study days during 4 months.
  • Cost
  • CHF 6'500.- incl. e-copy of the course material. Costs for meals, overnight stays, parking fees, as well as any travel, food and accommodation costs for excursions are not included.
  • Academic requirements
  • University degree (university of applied sciences, higher education with practical experience) Admissions are also possible "sur dossier" without a university degree if you have a higher vocational education qualification and sufficient professional experience as well as preliminary scientific and methodological knowledge.
  • Structure
  • Module 1: Digital skills in construction
    Module 2: Engineering of buildings
    Module 3: Engineering of infrastructure
    Module 4: Cross-cutting issues (sustainability, circular economy, corruption prevention)