Healthcare, Recent Project, UA Companies

Allbionics Innovative Ukrainian Prosthetics

Abouth the Company

Modern, innovative bionic prostheses based on 3D scanning
  • Founded: 2022
  • CEO: Volodymyr Bandura
  • Website:
  • Location: Kyiv, Ukraine/Krakow, Poland
  • Cooperation: Partnership and scaling

About the Company

Company develops and produces original high quality and yet affordable bionic hand to help the people of Ukraine who suffered from war. And further plans to develop this product internationally to support such crisis relief efforts globally.
ALLBIONICS, located in Ukraine company, which produces modern, innovative bionic prostheses based on 3D scanning with using special mobile application. Based on the scan result the individual socket is made, and after- production the prosthetic.

After maintaining the prosthetic, the client will have possibility to visit one of the rehabilitation centers located in Ukraine to follow up with necessary service, check-in or changes in case of natural limbs anatomic modifications.

Innovative solutions

Local prothetic services and production, which can be replicated in different locations, with very limited infrastructure and requirements to supporting personnel.

  • Lightweight, intelligent, and functional bionic prosthesis
  • Six pre-programmed grips, selectable by the user, with the ability to program new grips
  • Fast manufacturing and delivery
  • Proximity of partner network to every Ukrainian in need
  • Individual sizes for each candidate, ensuring secure attachment and precise fit to the proportions of a healthy arm

Future Goals

The heart of company’s AI vision is a self-directed deep learning chip, one that can be configured to the specific needs of the end user, be it any part of the body, any sensors, any configuration. Once configured, it is sent to the autonomous manufacturing pod, and these same pods can print, assemble, and conduct lights-out testing/calibration for the resulting prosthetic.

To achieve it they use new materials that can be 3D printed to overcome weight bearing limitations on current low cost 3D printed materials for prosthetics, printed ink based sensors that can be cost effectively integrated into a 3D print environment, and, most importantly, leverage the rapidly growing advancements in embedded AI, particularly those that are emerging from military applications.